The Top 6 Construction Trends Commercial Property Owners Should Know in Chicago

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It can get competitive in the construction industry in the Windy City, so staying abreast of the latest trends is important. Chicago commercial construction is always changing, whether it be with regulations, technology, equipment, or other new norms and standards. It is all about having a competitive edge. This blog will discuss the top six commercial construction trends today and how to mimic them within your future projects with the help of DLI Commercial. Clients in the Chicago commercial world have tons of ideas for potential properties and projects. Read on for more on how your business can lead the way!

Preparing for LEED Certification for Chicago Commercial Construction

What a lot of commercial property owners have yet to hear about is a LEED certification. It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The LEED certification is becoming increasingly popular among commercial development experts because it can reduce operational costs while improving indoor air quality. To be able to get this kind of certification it can be quite the process. You should work with commercial construction professionals like DLI Commercial to get certain requirements and go through the process seamlessly. This way, you can have the ability to use the most energy-efficient tools or materials, all while supporting a greener build and plan. 

Incorporating Sustainable Materials into Your Construction Services

Everyone is all about making the planet greener. Some people recycle their plastic goods, while others clean up beaches. Commercial construction owners have the ability to do their part by using sustainable products or materials like lumber or recyclable metal. This could be vintage pieces, ICF walls, or building components that did not get used in a previous project. By using these materials, you can not only help the planet but also save some money. The only downside is that it can take a lot of time and resources to find these secondhand things. Make sure to talk with your general contractors to see if they can help so you will not have to risk delays in your development. 

Utilizing Passive House Design Principles to Improve Energy Efficiency

Wouldn’t it be great to reduce your construction costs and save energy? But how do you do this? Passive house design principles are a common thing a lot of commercial property owners are doing because they use techniques and building processes where energy consumption is minimized. The last thing you want is to have your workers working as hard as possible and still being behind in the building process. Consider using energy-effective equipment when you are in the design and planning stages of your development. This way, you can have things like insulation or an HVAC system working at top-notch without the hassle of using slower tools. Using this approach, you can positively impact the environment as well as reduce energy costs overall in the long run. DLI has the capability to help set up passive house design principles for your construction project, helping you achieve that energy efficiency from the start.

Leveraging Building Information Modeling (BIM) to Streamline Complex Projects

BIM, or building information modeling, is the new technological approach to commercial construction. This process is a 3D-model-based technique where you can visualize every aspect of a project, even from design to maintenance. This way, you and your construction managing team can quickly identify which conflict could come up and be able to address them before you even start building. For example, imagine if one of your projects in Chicago needs some sort of electrical engineering; BIM should be able to show you what type of services it would need and expand on safety details. Also, BIM can give you cost estimates and time schedules so that you have a better idea of what your planning will look like.

Investing in Smart Building Technologies to Enhance Comfort and Safety

Smart technology is everywhere and everywhere in this day and age, so why not construction, too? Smart building equipment like automated temperature control and lighting have created a new world for commercial construction and property owners. Most smart technologies create a great living space and comfort level that all occupants can get behind. A lot of commercial construction services make the mistake of putting up projects in Chicago, IL, too quickly without the right expertise. Make sure your commercial construction plans and management team have the best builders on staff. Then, you are bound for success.

Apartment Complexes, Office Buildings and More

This not only helps tenants and any other client you may have but also the property owners because these types of technologies can help lower operational costs in the Chicago area. If you are looking to expand your search in commercial construction, do not just check out Chicago, IL. There are so many other places to put the location of your business in Illinois. General contractors and construction management companies like DLI Commercial have insight in and around Chicago, IL, with the knowledge of the latest smart gadgets and tools you need for your commercial plans.

Greener Construction Methods to Preserve Resources

Having greener construction methods is not only good for the environment but is also good for the wallet. Not only do you use fewer resources, but you also minimize the amount of pollution. Green construction methods can include using materials like recycled metal or wood to reduce waste during the building process.

You also will be able to reuse construction materials that are left behind from a previous project. Make sure to check with your general contractor on whether they have access to recyclable materials and how you can incorporate them within your build. Then, you will be able to reduce your carbon footprint for a greener project!


Commercial construction services in the Chicago area are no joke. You will always need to be in the know of the latest trends within the industry so that your future projects can have a competitive edge. This blog should help you to understand the latest commercial construction trends in Chicago and how DLI Commercial can help you utilize them for your next project! From LEED certification to green construction methods, there is much to consider when planning out your build. Contact DLI Commercial today to learn more about how they can help you meet the unique demands of your construction project!